Thursday, November 12, 2015

How do JavaScript frameworks like Node.js, Backbone, Meteor make money?

JavaScript development team
One of the oldest languages, i.e., JavaScript is vastly popular for its magnificent speed and efficiency. No matter in which language a website is being developed, JavaScript is always there to make the web application not only to run faster but also look stunning and attractive. The biggest advantage of JavaScript is its event driven application development. Events make the web application not only look promising, but also impart better user experience. Again the optimized core of JavaScript makes the event run flawlessly on the browser leaving the user astonished. Hence JavaScript has been considered as a front-end technology to impart accurate and most prominent user experience on the browser; but recently industry has revealed its true potential as a full-fledged programming language that can control both client side as well as server side programming. With the introduction of JavaScript frameworks a web developer can craft outstanding web application without any need of backend programming languages like C#, PHP or Java etc.”

MVC can make the development process much systematic that means Quick process: MVC stands for the model view controller and this is on the highest buzz in the current market state of affairs. Almost all leading web frameworks are framed with this Architecture because of its best in industry performance, efficiency and potential. In fact, MVC is the most trusted and tested Architecture of the industry that enables web developers in creating highly scalable and coherent web solutions. JavaScript frameworks like BackboneJS, AngularJS, NodeJS and others also follow this Architecture to impact the most accurate solution to the application requirements. With MVC, the front-end section, i.e., the view remains isolated from the backend database, i.e., model through a controller. Any change made by the controller can be reflected on the entire application without any need for modification at every place. As a result, this helps in creating the application in an object oriented approach. With frameworks like BackboneJS, Angular JS and NodeJS etc., highly scalable web solutions can be developed in a systematic manner to avoid every possible conflict while handling resources.

Well maintained and well testable application can be achieved with JS frameworks: Industry has realized the importance of functionality along with performance, look and feel and post production support for any project. As a result all new era web frameworks are built to provide utmost importance to the performance and user experience for any web solution and so the case for JavaScript frameworks. Backbones, AngularJS and NodeJS etc. give maximum priority to the performance of any application being developed by the JavaScript developer. These frameworks encourage skilled JavaScript developers to create highly maintainable codes for any application. On the other hand, they also ensure that the quality of the application is of enterprise standard. Again the documentation of these frameworks helps in achieving the best in class user experience for any web application. Proper indentation, use of proper key words and functions are helping an application program not only look professional, but also helps in creating well maintained and highly stable code through these JavaScript MVC frameworks and hence creating an economic situation for the project.

Cost of development will reduce drastically: With the above features, these JavaScript frameworks help in creating enterprise standard web solutions in a systematic approach that fortunately lessens the time and effort of the web developer. Consequently the productivity and effectiveness of the application increase tremendously and hence the cost of production decreases. In fact, experts strongly believe that any project development done in a pre-approved approach makes an application not only work smoothly but also helps in making it stable enough to accommodate with different circumstances of the industry. Again, these frameworks avoid any necessity of backend programmers from the application development process and that eliminates the cost incurred by backend programmers and hence making the cost of development so economic.

Future ready cross platform and responsive app development can be possible: It has been revealed that maximum traffic for any website is now-a-days coming from devices like smart phones and tablets. Due to the portability features of smart phones and tablets, it is gaining popularity as a computer device among the user. Moreover, mobile networks that offer anywhere-internet help the user in browsing internet from these small devices. As a result the demands of smart apps and web apps have increased unexpectedly in the recent period. Fortunately, all JavaScript frameworks like BackboneJS, Meteor and NodeJS are highly efficient in creating enterprise standard smart apps for different platforms like Android, iOS and windows, etc. With these frameworks we can easily develop highly touch sensitive and efficient smart phone apps that too with the tremendous speed of JavaScript. So we can say these frameworks are highly focused upon the ever changing demands of the industry and helps in creating outstanding apps for the industry and this makes them to run on the success path of the future.

With NodeJS, server side communication can be handled in an efficient manner: There was a time, when JavaScript was adopted only in frontend programming, but with NodeJS industry witnessed the true potential of JavaScript not only as a backend programming language but also as a server side scripting technology. Industry used to implement Apache Tomcat server for the communication with the database with threading technology; but with NodeJS there is no need of implementation of an inefficient threading mechanism to handle multiple concurrent requests to the server. Instead of that they are using highly modern and efficient asynchronous request handling technology to avoid deadlocks and resource block issues. Most importantly, all these happen with the tremendous potential of JavaScript alone. As a result the cost of development for any large scale, highly event driven enterprise standard web application can be decreased spontaneously.

Finally, open source modules and plug-ins can make the development process even more economic: Along with the benefit of these JavaScript frameworks, we can’t ignore the importance of the open source JavaScript modules and plug-ins that are available over the web to help the developers in creating reliable yet quick web solutions over and above the framework. Especially availability of free and open source jQuery plug-ins can make a significant change in the final budget of your web project without compromising on the quality of your application. In fact, they improve the user experience and usability of any web application to a large extent without creating any considerable financial burden over the client.

Mindfire’s JavaScript development team has rich experience in core JavaScript programming as well as various JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries e.g. Node.JS, Backbone.JS, KnockOut.JS, Angular.JS, EXT.JS and creation of rapid web application development solutions. Mindfire Solutions provides a range of services in Responsive Websites and Web Application Development with the support of our deep web application development expertise and multiple years of RIA application development experience.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Node.js: What's so great about npm?

JavaScript development team in India
The very intrinsic fact that Node.js helps saves space, and embeds ease of use is making it quite a popular choice as package manager these days. Amidst a plethora of other package managers that provide complicated installation, npm stands distinct for its unique local package installation. The tool has simplifies a lot of things for developers by providing them with a choice to make between global and local installation.

However, listed below are some remarkable attributes of Node.js that have surfaced of late, both for developers who are pushing their package managers to npm, and experienced JavaScript developers who are using package managers off Node.js.

It is a default package manager, but it is an open source project with Artistic License. The package basically allows users to seamlessly install and manage the tools that come with Node. Developers, with node.js, can efficiently manage dependencies and install packages - locally or globally.

Web developers may benefit largely from node.js’s prowess to build scripts, and to extricate most complexity that comes with RubyGems. The powerful tool provides command line utility for developers to install Node.js packages, and even offers dependency management and version management of Node.js packages.

Node Package Manager, concurrently, is integrated with the functionality of online repositories. By default, the package manager installs any dependency in the local mode. The tool eliminates fragmentation and strong network effect at the same time. Node.js simplifies publishing, and is greatly known for enhancing the experience of standard package managers.

Apart from its seamless capability to get installed automatically, the package manager for JavaScript also enables web developers to install Node.js apps (more importantly, the apps that are available on the Node Package Manager registry). It provides a non-blocking I/O API - which further helps optimize an app’s productivity and scalability.

It is a pre-installed manager for Node.js that depends on Google V8 JavaScript engine for code implementation, and enables apps to function as a web server devoid of any software like IIS or Apache HTTP Server. The tool is specifically designed to handle asynchronous I/O, and can capably handle a horde of web development or network development issues.

The Event Loop further lets users manage a thread pool and carry out their tasks effortlessly (once node.js applications have passed asynchronous tasks to the event loop). And since npm has JavaScript as part of its foundation, the tool helps trim down the limitations as well as the boundaries between both front- and back-end development.

Another great attribute of Node Package Manager is its flourishing open source community, which has been helping developers through several feature-rich modules intended for Node.js applications. One of the most prominent modules is considered to be - which helps users direct and supervise constant connections between a client and a server. This basically allows the server to seamlessly drive real-time updates to clients.

In terms of its business benefits, Node.js makes it easier for web developers to explore their web possibilities, ensuring the speed of delivery and of course the ability to iterate. The package manager makes everything extremely speedy in common tasks in web applications. Whether it is writing to a particular file system or reading or writing to the database, the tool simply refuses to slow down.

Node.js unveils extreme simplicity and ease for real time web applications. Node.js enables web developers to facilely develop comet-driven real time web apps. It can perform tremendously amazing for multi-user real time apps - such as chat apps and games. It even helps shun the overhead of HTTP for web development.

Besides being impressively convenient and consistent, Node.js provides users with the possibility of effective tooling. It lets developers manage dependency in a smooth manner, and has a strong community - which is simply growing stronger and more organized day by day. Over 60,000 modules are available out there for the web developers to rely on, and the number is simply increasing at a rapid pace.

Node.js comes with corporate support. The package manager paves the way with support of a number of strong corporate houses, such as Microsoft, Yahoo, PayPal and Walmart. This not just helps build more authenticity in Node.js as software, but also reveals a flow of the steady growth of the Node projects in future. And it is sponsored by Joyent.

One of the most obvious benefits of Node.js is its embedded support for the JavaScript language. The manager provides developers with a JavaScript enabled web platform, which basically allows one to get hands on the wide functions or capabilities of Node.js. Since a huge number of developers rely on JavaScript to write code these days, Node.js simply acts as a great choice.

Unlike most package managers that integrate complexities, Node.js comes handy as a proxy server. Users may now rely on node.js should they want to proxy different services with different-different response times. It even makes things easy with database queries.

There is another great reason to employ node.js - which is enhanced organizational functionality. Organizations that use node.js can now easily trim down their page load times by 50 percent and trim down the number of servers required to host the app. Moreover, companies that rely on the node.js find it much simpler to retain their employees for longer, and of course make their users' content. The tool is perfect for building fast, performance oriented and scalable network applications.

It provides support for ubiquity and features a single codebase. In a nutshell, node.js renders an end-to-end JavaScript experience for smooth web development, reminding us of Bill Scott, Dir UX PayPal, “Why go to Facebook and do PHP when you can go to PayPal and do Node.js.”

Let’s not forget the thriving Node.js is hosting here. The tool has a huge deployment figure. Whether it’s Heroku or Platform-as-a-Service, major providers are largely supporting Node.js for its single command deployment capabilities.

There’s no doubt that npm has become a massive reliable choice for web developers these days. It’s one codebase, the ability to read and write streams to web sockets, the ability to read and write streams to HTTP, and ease for real-time web applications undoubtedly make Node.js a great package manager to use.

Mindfire has top notch JavaScript development team in India which has executed hundreds of projects in the domain. We build applications which best suit our customer’s budget and business interests.